Our first guest is Professor Jane Farrar of Fighting Blindness and Trinity College Dublin’s School of Genetics and Microbiology. She is considered a leading expert with over two decades of experience in researching inherited eye disorders. Professor Farrar successfully led the team who discovered a treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa, which causes eye sight deterioration and, in some cases, blindness. She has also been the Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning for Trinity College Dublin’s School of Genetics and Microbiology.

Jane’s research interests have been focused on how genetic information is driving the individualisation of medicine. Her goal has been to provide much need solutions. Professor Farrar has published over 100 scientific and internationally renowned papers. She is also the inventor of a broad range of patents. James sits with Professor Jane Farrar to discuss such triumphs and also the complications she has experienced so in her career in the field of science.

Learn more about Professor Jane Farrar, Fighting Blindness and the work she has done on it following the link here: https://www.fightingblindness.ie/

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